Monday 23 December 2013

Awareness Campaign 'Riots 2011'

'Riots 2011' article

As the brief for my Graphic Design A-Level exam was 'Meetings, Experiences and Encounters' I chose to focus on the UK Riots 2011. In more depth I chose to analyse the article headline 'Flaming Morons' which focuses on the youth of today being the blame for this devastating encounter. The media emphasised that the blame was to be appointed on the younger generation which created the bad stereotype of teenagers throughout Britain.
Therefore I created a front cover illustration for the 'Independent Magazine'. This emphasised the 'yob' stereotype of teenagers as I involved a red hooded jacket to portray the incorrect ideology of teenagers being dangerous. I figuratively created the hooded jacked out of hand drawn typography which flickered out symbolising the fire and destruction of the UK Riots which further more reinforced the headline and pun 'Flaming Morons'.
The message behind my Illustration on the front page is that the idea of elderly being in the wrong for discriminating against the younger generation. Using an unconventional 'rioter' with stereotypical 'thug' clothing reflects the idea of discrimination. My illustration forces the older audience to re think when they prejudge teenagers.
Inspired by the illustration of Paul Willoughby, Shephard Fairey and James Victore I have produced three illustrations that portray the idea of the youth being blamed for this encounter. There is a sense of exaggeration in my illustration of the young girl in a dress with a innocent posture with a balaclava to hide her face. This exaggeration is to communicate the message that not all younger people are to blame when in fact half the percentage of rioters were actually of adult age.

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