Monday 23 December 2013

'Mon Naturel' Brand

Logo and Packaging

Cushion product design 
iPhone Case Designs

Using an illustration I did in response to the artist Sanna Annukka I created a logo design for a brand identity linking to a nature brief concerning deforestation for my Graphic Design A-level. The illustration is made up of minimalistic trees in the style of Sanna Annuka who uses less detail and more abstract shapes within her work. The hand written type works well in the design and can be easily related to house hold interior products aimed at the younger generation.
Using photographs of nature (plants, flowers, twigs etc) taken by myself I created kaleidoscope images to form prints on the products my brand could sell.
I also made packaging to be used in the brands international shops, made with a natural cotton 'bag for life' which links to the aims of my brand in helping save the environment.

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