Monday 23 December 2013

Wire Sculpture

Ram Skeleton Wire Sculpture

On the course I am doing now (Art and Design Foundation Level 4) I am involved with types of media and art that I'm not fully familiar with and wire sculpting is one of them. However when i finalised this piece I was surprisingly proud of myself. I would love to hang it up as an ornament or use it as an interior design project. 
I started to research the holy relics used in the medieval world where there were strict status divides. However holy relics were normally skulls which portrayed that we were all equal after we die which means we should all be equal in everyday life. 
I chose to create a wire sculpture that reflects a rams skeleton as it almost looks evil which goes against religion and the faith that we should all be equal. It reflects the evil division between the monarch, nobles, knights, vassals, merchants, farmers, craftsmen, peasants and serfs (slaves). 
I enjoyed working with wire which was a new experience for me and I love to take part in new workshops.

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